Ultra is a fictional planet created by Coldplay for the concept of their ninth studio album, Music of the Spheres. It is the seventh planet on The Spheres solar system and represents the song "People of the Pride", the seventh track on the album.
Ultra is a ball of electricity surrounded by a gas ring. During the chorus parts (as seen in the lyric video), the planet starts spinning fastly, with lightning bolts coming out of the ball. Its language is Voltik.
Ultra in "Overtura".
Ultra at the beginning of the lyric video for "People of the Pride".
A Voltik city as seen in the official video for "People of the Pride".
Closeup of a Voltik city as seen in the official video for "People of the Pride".
The Voltik dictator as seen in the official video for "People of the Pride".
Ultra's landscape as seen in the official video for "People of the Pride".
The Voltik lion (glowing) as seen in the official video for "People of the Pride".
The Voltik lion as seen in the opening of the official video for "People of the Pride".